Collection ID: 10b44d45-8871-4ce3-aa2e-ff09af519f71
BRAVA NFT is a collection of female CyberPunk Amazonas born to battle violence against women. BRAVA holders get to be part of an amazing cause, and also benefit from frequent Raffle Draws and airdrops. The BRAVA Mixin Collection of 180 BRAVAs is specially created for the Mixin network family.
Because each BRAVA is created by hand-drawn attributes, no two BRAVAs are the same. They all have unique traits like cyborg arms, bionic eyes and futuristic sunglasses.
The previous collection of OG BRAVAs (320 NFTs) were minted on the Ethereum network on Nov, 2021, and you can find them in the Opensea Marketplace.
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